all postcodes in CA7 / WIGTON

find any address or company within the CA7 postcode district

Postcode Area

CA / Carlisle

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CA7 8AA 0 54.821175 -3.140973
CA7 8AB 2 54.81482 -3.136605
CA7 8AD 0 54.81737 -3.128102
CA7 8AE 0 54.82101 -3.107397
CA7 8AF 0 54.81217 -3.134477
CA7 8AG 0 54.80364 -3.115059
CA7 8AH 0 54.808579 -3.128339
CA7 8AJ 0 54.806877 -3.115786
CA7 8AL 0 54.80348 -3.115082
CA7 8AN 0 54.799288 -3.122371
CA7 8AP 0 54.80205 -3.106315
CA7 8AQ 0 54.809503 -3.126376
CA7 8AR 0 54.804638 -3.087452
CA7 8AS 0 54.808418 -3.100611
CA7 8AT 0 54.81645 -3.075009
CA7 8AU 1 54.818675 -3.065325
CA7 8AX 0 54.818609 -3.063596
CA7 8AY 0 54.818647 -3.063103
CA7 8BA 0 54.832554 -3.079893
CA7 8BB 0 54.832294 -3.075025